Netflix is an American multinational entertainment company founded on August 29, 1997. Netflix specializes in providing a media streaming service such. it provides television series and films of all different genres. Netflix has over 15 million subscribers and the user pays a monthly subscription in order to watch these film and series.
These are the top rated horror films currently on Netflix. As you can see from the top rated horrors, there are one slasher movie, Hush, leaving a gap in the market for our sub-genre to fall into.
Netflix's recommended go off the views and the rating. This means that the more times a film is watched the higher it gets in the recommended, for example here The Purge is the first recommended film on Netflix. |
Insidious is a film about a couple whose move into a new house, their son then goes into a coma. the film is about ghosts who possess a young boys body in order to live once again.
insidious was released in 2011, at it was one of the most profitable films of 2011, this is because the budget was $1.5 million and made nearly $100 million, insidious made $13 million in the first weekend alone. |