Google Trends is a public website owned by Google. Google trends is based on Google Searches. This shows how often a particular search-term is entered relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world. On google trends we entered the three options that we chose to see which killer is the most popular and the so the on ewe need to stay away from influencing our ideas around. The three we chose were Mike Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Kreuger. From google trends we found out that Jason Voorhees was the least searched on average over a five year period, Mike Myers was in the middle and so this could be an option because it is popular but not the most popular. Freddy Kreuger was the most searched over the five year period according to google trends, this is probably not the best one however for our group, to base and influence our ideas, this is because it is a very popular search and also a very unique killer with the claws, yet with Mike Myers and Jason Voorhees they have a more traditional method of killing people, this being with a knife and the other with a machete. They are all an extension of the arm however and so in our horror we need to not use anything else but a weapon like this.